Alpha 3000 Dokumentacja

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Operating Manual
for Testing Machine
ALPHA 3-3000
Deckblatt extern-e.ofm - 1.1 - 10/2004
DELTA 5-200
Przeglądanie stron 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 90 91

Podsumowanie treści

Strona 1 - DELTA 5-200

BAOperating Manualfor Testing MachineALPHA 3-3000 Deckblatt extern-e.ofm - 1.1 - 10/2004DELTA 5-200

Strona 2

BAIn the operating manual we have marked the functions which may have any risk for the operator or the machine with the below mentioned signa

Strona 3

BABefore startingBefore starting the machine please check and ensure that•only authorized staff is in the working range of the ma-chine•nobody ca

Strona 4

BAClamping tools hydraulic / pneumaticDo not put your hands between the clamping jaws! Please always use a pair of tongs for placing the specime

Strona 5 - Foreword

BAMaintenanceDuring the maintenance of the machine please observe the fol-lowing points in order to avoid serious injuries or machine dam-ages:•Keep t

Strona 6 - Designated Use

BAWorks on the electrical equipmentIf an electrical connection is designated the testing machine or the control console has to be connected only by an

Strona 7 - Duty to Exercise Diligence

BAThe legal duties of waste avoidance, waste disposal and recyc-ling have to be ful lled while working on or with the machine!Especially while instal

Strona 8 - Operating Staff

BA Additional InformationIMPORTANTIt is important that the machine is installed in a room with a room temperature between + 16°C and +20°C in orde

Strona 9 - Working Place and Symbolism

BA Maintenance RecommendationAt delivery the oil tank is  lled with the required hydraulic oil.We recommend an oil change every two years.The oil cha

Strona 10

BA Recommendation for LubricantsWe recommend the use of the following lubricants:AGIPOSO 68ARALVITAMGF 68 VITAMDE 68BPENERGOL HLP 68 HLP 46SCHEVRO

Strona 11 - Safety Precautions

IN Checkup and Acceptance of the DeliveryThe consignment has to be checked concerning external dama-ges immediately on receipt. If the packing is in p

Strona 12

Register-e.ofm - 1.0 - 05/2004 Basic informations 1 Setup and installation 2 Operating manual machine 3 Operating manual software 4 Operating manual P

Strona 13

IN Transport of the MachineFor the transport of the machine only eye bolts type Starpoint VRS of the manufacturer RUD or equivalent products of othe

Strona 14

INThe machine has to be installed horizontally on a solid founda-tion and – if necessary - it has to be  xed by means of screws.After the installati

Strona 15

INIf the machine has been delivered with a separate hydraulic power unit, it is essential to rinse out the hydraulic system after the install

Strona 16 - ATTENTION

INACHTUNG•Auf Drehrichtung des Pumpenmotors achten!•Motor muss in Pfeilrichtung drehen!•Gegebenenfalls Drehrichtung des Motors durch Vertau-schen

Strona 17 - Maintenance Recommendation

Abridged operation manual DigiMaxx C-20nSwitch on the machine by actuating the mains switch and then switch on the electronic unit by pressing button

Strona 18

Abridged operation manual DigiMaxx C-20nIf necessary you can change the display N/mm² referred to the specimen’s area with button nPress START. The z

Strona 19


Strona 20 - Transport of the Machine

Page 2Table of Contents• General view ...3 • Explanations for the

Strona 21 - Installation of the Machine

Page 3• General viewType of device:Real digital control unit which has been developped for all types of testing machines. Expandable to a fully auto

Strona 22

• Explanations for the keysDevice on/off Peak value measurement on/off

Strona 23 - Sense of the Pump Motor

Manufacturer's dataBATesting machine ALPHA 3-3000Serial numberFORM+TEST Seidner+Co. GmbHZwiefalter Str. 20D-88499 RiedlingenTel. +49 (0) 7371 93

Strona 24 - DigiMaxx C-20

• Explanation for the KeysIn case of double displaySelection of measuring parameters with status line at the sueen.This applies to the change -over

Strona 25

1 W 15M1+100,0 N/mm²0,00N/mm²sPK ZB BD GD• Explanations for the LCD-displaySelection of measuring parameters:Screen: M

Strona 26 - DIGIMAXX C-20

Page 7• Explanations for the LCD-DisplayDouble display: (Option) Control channel

Strona 27

Option Move the beam SelectionReport:

Strona 28 - • General view

• Sub-menu "Report"The print-out can be started manually or by the break detection. Date and testing number can be set.

Strona 29 - • Explanations for the keys

• Print command of print-outThe print-out is automatically started by the break detection.By pressing the DATA key the print-out can be started manu

Strona 30 - • Explanation for the Keys

• Sub-menu "testing"Different test courses are possible: A simple ramp function with cycles, a step program and a pro-gram for the E-Modu

Strona 31 - 3000,0 kN

• External test (Option)Funktion: ® By pressing START the piston extends, the specimen is being charged and the preselected contro

Strona 32 - 100,00 mm

• Sub-menu "Ramp, Cycles"

Strona 33 - Selection

• Ramp Programming for Cyclic TestsEntrance from main menu (ramp). Here cyclic test can be programmed, but only for testing in kN (not in N/mm²)•

Strona 34

Manufacturer's dataBATesting machine DELTA 5-200Serial numberFORM+TEST Seidner+Co. GmbHZwiefalter Str. 20D-88499 RiedlingenTel. +49 (0) 7371 930

Strona 35

Page 15• Automatic Test Course Settings before the test in case of display in N/mm²Break detection BD must be activated. The selection of the speci

Strona 36 - Peak : O

• Test course with measuring and weighing1. Select the specimen type with CALC.2. Start the test by pressing START, the measuring screen is invoked.3.

Strona 37

Force control and force displayMax. 10 steps Velocity range of a 3000 kN machine:0,001 ...3000 kN/sHolding t

Strona 38 - 3000 kN Test

• Programming of Elastic ModulusWith this program the programming of test course for the determination of the elastic modulus confor-ming to standard

Strona 39 - r

• Calculation of Elastic ModulusAfter the execution of the ramp which is determining the elastic modulus the value of the elastic modu-lus is printed

Strona 40 - Additional Test Courses

Programming of the testSelection of the test type under menu "settings"200 kN TestM1FO 10.000 kN0.200 kN/s5.00 sDE0,500 mm0,005 mm/s0,00 sDI

Strona 41

Activation of the adjustment mode in menu "settings" Adjustment: ON/OF

Strona 43 - holding time

In case of double display the load pacer can be rmly adjusted to force: FO or selection ANW. In case of selection: ANW the parameters FO,DI,DE and EX

Strona 44 - E-Modul 32250

• Specimens' conguration / Specimens' memoryUp to 30 specimens are freely congurable. Specimens 1 to 3 are congured by the factory.

Strona 45 - 200 kN Test

BAThis document facilitates to get to know your testing machine resp. your testing system (briefly called: machine) and its capa-bilities.The

Strona 46 - • Adjustment (Option)

The following inputs are possible: cube stone prism 3-point beam

Strona 47 - • Automatic Zeroizing

Page 26• Sub - menu "Calibration"Select sub-menu: factory calibrationSet cursor to calibrationPress ENTERSet the calibration code XXXXSele

Strona 48 - • Break Detection

Page 27• LinearisationThe precision of the testing machine can be increased by means of linearisation. If the table is empty, all points have to be

Strona 49 - ESC: Abort

• Calibration Table The calibration table contains the values measured during calibration/linearization. Individual values can be corrected by input

Strona 50 - *" in front of

ESC : AbortAuto Calib. M11 300.000 kN2 600.000 kN3 900.000 kN4 1.200.000 kN5 1.500.000 kN6 1.800.000 kN7 2.100.000 kN8 2.400.000 kN9 2.700.000 kN10 3.

Strona 51 - • Delete cal

• Manual OperationApplicationManual charging with partial or full load, for example for calibration or linearization.Procedure Start the

Strona 52 - • Linearisation

• Sub - menu LCD Contrast Setting Selection through main menuBy means of ↑ and ↓ the contrast of the LCD-display can be adjusted in 8 steps for the

Strona 53 - • Print-out the Table

• Sub-menu „Measuring / Weighing“ (Option)Starting from the main menu by means of the key ENTER at „measuring / weighing“.The three inputs for meas

Strona 54 - • Calibration Values

• A-4-Page printerWith the operation of an A4-page printer the title „TEST RECORD“ is printed and the line counter is reset after pressing the key EN

Strona 55 - • Manual Operation

Installation Proteus-e.indd - 1.5 - 03/2007Installation Proteus-e.indd - 1.5 - 03/2007Proteus is a 32 bit application and can therefore be installed o

Strona 56 - LCD contrast

BAThe machine is designed for static loading with statical or dyna-mic course. It is designed for compression, bending or tensile tests.For a desig

Strona 57 - Dimensions

OPERATING MANUALElectronic Double and Triple Strain Transducers LD DD1-2-3Version 2 17.09.2002 as/la

Strona 58 - • Handwheel (Option)

2Electronic Double and Triple Strain Transducers Type LD-DD1-2-3Electronic Double and Triple Strain Transducers Type LD-DD1-2-3for measuring the me

Strona 59 - Additional notes:

3Double/Triple strain Transducer at concrete cubeKnurled Screw (1)Connecting rods (2)Knurled Screw (3)locking leverl (4)measuring edge (5)pict. 2: mea

Strona 60 - 17.09.2002 as/la

pict. 3: Triple Stain Transducer at concrete cylinderpict. 4: Double and Triple Strain Transducer with accssories4knurled screw (1)connecting rods (2)

Strona 61

Functional Description:Functional Description:Double Strain Transducer LD-DD1-2Triple Strain Transducer LD-DD1-3Triple Strain Transducer LD-DD1-31

Strona 62 - Dimensions (in mm)

6Example for the Calculation of the Compression-E-ModulusExample for the Calculation of the Compression-E-ModulusGiven:specimen (lxwxh) 40x40x160 mm

Strona 64

DistributorYear of construction2007DriveAS-C20-NColour RAL 7032RAL 3002 A1.1 Basic DataInspected byDateDaniel Nacke10.04.2007CustomerServi MotionOrder

Strona 65

Type of machine ALPHA 3-3000 Machine no. 026433.000 kNMax. test forceDimensionsframework1.750HeightWidth Depth750 650Dimensionshydraulics2.100650 1.10

Strona 66

A2 Hydraulics and Electrical SystemSupply voltageControlControl cabinetElectronic systemMeasuring amplifier belowMeasuring amplifier above3 x 400 V +

Strona 67 - Basic Data

BAThe machine has been constructed considering a danger analy-sis and after careful selection of the harmonized standards to be used and of further t

Strona 68 - Machine Record Card

A2.1 Hydraulics and Electrical SystemData of sensors/valves M11. Measuring rangeDeformationForce Piston stroke3.0002. Measuring rangekN mmkNmmmm mm3.

Strona 69

A2.2 Hydraulics and Electrical SystemData of sensors/valves M2200 kN mmkNmmmm mmkN mm mmkN mm mmM2M2M2M207/1285CTC4-200 KN402795TLH 2250253092X displ

Strona 70 - Data of sensors/valves M1

A3.1 FrameworkPressureM3M1 M23000Piston areakNCompression barPiston stroke mmDimensions of test chamberPressure plates above200M4cm²754,38 103,81397,

Strona 71 - Data of sensors/valves M2

A3.2 FrameworkGrooved ringM3M1 M2 M4310x6 24X3(2X)105X5Wiper ringO-RingO-RingO-RingO-RingO-RingS90X105,1X6,3 T46N RSSOStepsealO-Ring 105X5Piston seal

Strona 72 - Framework

A4 Calibration table0 %M1base table2 %4 %6 %10 %Machine1Measuring rangeM2base table120 %40 %60 %80 %100 %Tare valueCalibration factorValue 0 mV/V - 1

Strona 73

A5.1 Factory configuration electronicsFOM3M1 M2CH1FOFODIDIM43000kN100Electronic systemEPROM version DMAX V9.60 SUCYDigiMaxx C20DigiMaxx C20DigiMaxx C

Strona 74 - Calibration table

A5.2 Factory configuration electronicsFOM3M1 M215,00 %2 %4 %6 %M48,06,04,010 % 3,030 % 2,060 %80 %4,08,06,05,0 5,04,03,02,01,01,0 1,01,0WE2WE2WE2WE2D

Strona 75 - Machine set

KL- FB 07Test CertificateC

Strona 76 - Gain set

KL- FB 07Test CertificateC

Strona 77 - Test Certificate

Page 1/2Test acc. to DIN 51302 part 2Costumer :Servi MotionOrder No.:07/1285Machine (Typ/Force/No./Year):A

Strona 78

BAPlease ensure that only quali ed or trained staff operates the machine. These persons have to know the possible risks of the machine.You sh

Strona 79 - Test acc. to DIN 51302 part 2

Page 2/2Costumer : Servi Motion Servi MotionOrder No.: 07/1285Machine: ALPHA 3-3000 , 3000kN , M.Nr.02643

Strona 80 - Signature:

EHEMPrüfprotokolltest certificate / orotocole d'essaiTvp:type / typeNennmessbereich: 2,5 mmrange / portöeldentNr:serial no / N'- ident1 0503

Strona 81 - Prüfprotokoll

mHEMPrüfprotokolltest certificate / protocole d'essaiTvp:type / typeDD1Auftrag:order no / commissionPrüferexaminer / contröleurDatum:test date /

Strona 82

EHEMPrüfprotokolltest certificate / orotocole d'essaiTyp:type / typeDD1Nennmessbereich: 2.5mmrange / porteeldentNr:serial no / No- ident1 0503003

Strona 83

12Türe gebrücktPumpeSCHAnlage:DeckblattOrt1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8Ers. durch11.02.2004ZollMagnet, SchlüsselschalterAllgemeinUrspr.C-20, 2 Maschinen, m. Pumpe E

Strona 84 - E-3\300E3031-1

L1-X1123456-Q1L2 L3 N PE12-K1/3.2U-X1I> I>I>135246-Q234VM3UVWPE-M1Entstört mit Murr RC 3R56W PE-F110A1314-K1/3.21U-X1NM1PNPE-M2PE1-X1L1 PE N-

Strona 85 - Leistungsteil

24V+/2.80V/2.84-X13-X11112-S112/2.234/2.256/2.213 14/2.653 54363 6451314-Q2/2.25-X11112-S21314-S36-X1A1A2-K17-X15354-K12X1X2-H13-X108-X113 14/4.121 22

Strona 86 - Steuerungsteil

24V+/3.81-24V+/3.80V/3.81314-K2/3.417-X112-Y13132-K3/3.718-X112-Y24344-K3/3.719-X112-Y313 14/3.621 2233 3443 441314-S820-X2A1A2-K4X1X2-H224V+1-24V+0VD

Strona 87

arpptbaY1G3-2R1CPLR-1-5-7ar pA1 A2PparR-4-6M-8-9-10-11-12M-13-14-15OptionOption-2 Y2 -3 Y3OptionSchaltschrankAnlage:HydraulikschemaOrt1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8E

Strona 89

BADuring the running the working place of the operating staff is in front of the machine. A working beside or behind the machine can be necessary for

Strona 91

BADie Konformitätsbescheinigung zu Ihrer Prüfmaschine wird Ihnen in einer separaten E-Mail zugesandt.The conformity certicate for your test-machine w

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