www.claypaky.itENGLISHProfile | Spot HPE | Beam | Wash Profile | QWO ALPHA 700 800
10Deep Purple2013 Eurovision Song Contest, SwedenPhoto: Ralph Larmann
112013 Mediterranean Games Sky Sports, UKWithin Temptation, 2013 Tour
13Profile 800 ST - Code C61385Profile 700 - Code C61365Endless shaping solutions The framing system is one of the most advanced beam-shaping devices o
14CONTROL CHANNELS ALPHA 800 and 700 PHOTOMETRICSWEIGHT AND DIMENSIONS (mm - inches)COLOR WHEEL01. Cyan02. Magenta03. Yellow04. Linear CTO05. Color Wh
15DYNA CUE CREATOREXAMPLES OF FRAMING SYSTEM APPLICATIONSThe “Dyna-Cue-Creator” function opens doors for lighting designers to a universe of spectacul
17QWO 800 - Code C61380QWO 800 ST - Code C61381A complete set of effects andhigh quality equipmentThe effects provided with the Alpha Spot QWO 800 lea
18CONTROL CHANNELS PHOTOMETRICSWEIGHT AND DIMENSIONS (mm - inches)COLOR WHEEL01. Cyan02. Magenta03. Yellow04. Linear CTO05. Color Wheel06. Color Macro
19DYNA CUE CREATORThe “Dyna-Cue-Creator” function opens doors for lighting designers to a universe of spectacular, creative solutions.Stay-Sharp-Zoom:
Alpha Spot HPE 700Alpha Profile 700 Alpha Beam 700Alpha Profile 800 STAlpha Wash 700Alpha Spot QWO 8002
Code C61355A light beam making all graphic effects sharp and bright Decorative projection is without a doubt more impressive when images are bright th
Standard (14,7° - 34,9°)05 10 15 20(16’5”) (32’10”) (49’3”) (65’7”)Distance m (ft in) 4202466881010Minimum Zoom lux (fc)Maximum Zoom lux (fc)Maximu
smallProfile | Spot HPE | Beam | Wash Profile | QWO ALPHA 700 800
Code C61360Max vitesseAlpha Beam 300Alpha Beam 700Alpha Beam 300Alpha Beam 700Vitesse TILT Alpha 700: 250° - 1.65 secMax vitesseVitesse PAN Alpha 700:
2687654321BLUEORANGE AQUAMARINEDEEP GREENCTO 7500-3200K CTO 7500-2500KCTBDARK RED01. Cyan02. Magenta03. Yellow04. Color Wheel05. Stop/Strobe06.
27lightProfile | Spot HPE | Beam | Wash Profile | QWO ALPHA 700 800
Code C6135029An extremely bright uniform field, with aperture that may be adjusted to tasteThe Alpha 700 provides about 95,000 lux at five meters in t
3Alpha 800 and 700: where emotion and reason convergeFor many years, new lights were mainly chosen for their novelty value, in other words their abili
3001. Cyan02. Magenta03. Yellow04. Linear CTO05. Color Wheel06. Stop/Strobe07. Dimmer 0-100%08. Dimmer Fine09. Beam shapers insertion10. Bea
31fastProfile | Spot HPE | Beam | Wash Profile | QWO ALPHA 700 800
OMEGACode 183102/802for clamps fixing, supplied (2 pieces)HIGH QUALITY ROXTER-CASES for 2 Alpha 800s or 700s, equipped with wheels. Contain 2 foam she
34ALPHA PROFILE ALPHA SPOT QWOALPHA SPOT HPE 700 ALPHA BEAM 700 ALPHA WASH 700800 ST 700 800 800 STLamp type 800W disch. 700W disch. 800W discharge 70
brightProfile | Spot HPE | Beam | Wash Profile | QWO ALPHA 700 800
XV2069-ENG-Rev.3-09/2013CLAY PAKY S.p.A.I - 24068 Seriate (BG) - Via Pastrengo, 3/bPhone +39 035 654311 - Fax +39 035 301876www.claypaky.it - cp.info@
6Smallest and lightestAlphas 800 and Alphas 700 are the small-est and lightest-weight fixtures in their cat-egories. They weigh only about 20 kg (44 l
7TelevisionTheatreCorporate EventConcerts TouringFive reasons for a rational choiceExtraordinarily versatileTheir exceptional
Five reasons for an emotional choice21Fast, very fast, the fastest!The faster the moving light, the more ex-citing the show: Alphas 800 and Alphas 700
Five reasons for an emotional choiceWatts that worth much moreThe very small-bodied Alphas 800 and 700 generate light beams that beat all competitors
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