Alpha Lectro 87V Instrukcja Naprawy

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Strona 1 - Series Broadband Power Supply

CPRTM Series Broadband Power Supply36VDC and 48VDC Technical ManualEffective: March, 2004®

Strona 2 - Alpha Technologies

10Preface745-573-B0-001 REV. AThe battery maintenance instructions listed below are for reference only. Battery manufacturer’sinstructions for transpo

Strona 3 - 1-800-863-3364

11Preface745-573-B0-001 REV. Ay Lethal voltages are present within the power supply and electrical boxes. Never assumethat an electrical connection or

Strona 4 - Contents

12Preface745-573-B0-001 REV. Ay Keep hands and tools clear of fans. Fans are thermostatically controlled and will turn onautomatically.y Power supplie

Strona 5 - Figures & Tables

13745-573-B0-001 REV. A1.0 Overview, ContinuedThe Lectro CPR® Broadband Powering System is a result of an integrated approach that combinesproven line

Strona 6 - Important Safety Instructions


Strona 7 - General Safety Precautions


Strona 8 - To avoid damage:

162.0 Cabinet Installation, continued745-573-B0-001 REV. ANOTE: Pole mounting the cabinet should be done in accordance with the local agreementbetween

Strona 9 - Battery Safety Notes

17745-573-B0-001 REV. A2.0 Cabinet Installation, continued2. Remove the U-shaped bracket from the cabinet rear panel.3. Use the bracket as a template

Strona 10 - 745-573-B0-001 REV. A

182.0 Cabinet Installation, continued745-573-B0-001 REV. A1. Select an appropriate site. Check with other local utilities for buried plant before site

Strona 11 - Electrical Safety

19745-573-B0-001 REV. A2.0 Cabinet Installation, continued8. Drill out the two holes in the template and insert two 5/8" X 4" (M16-2.0 x 100

Strona 12 - Mechanical Safety

PowerAlpha Technologies. Protecting The Power in Communications.

Strona 13 - 1.0 Overview

202.0 Cabinet Installation, continued745-573-B0-001 REV. ANOTE: Alpha Technologies recommends using the grounding method illustrated below. The groun

Strona 14

21745-573-B0-001 REV. A2.0 Cabinet Installation, continuedCONNECTION PROCEDURE1. Open the cabinet doors.2. Install liquid tight conduit to the fitting


223.0 Power Supply, continued745-573-B0-001 REV. ADEGFBACNOTE: The CPR module weighs 56 lbs/25 kg. (65 lbs./30 kg for the 24 amp model), and thecenter

Strona 16 - PROCEDURE

233.0 Power Supply, continued745-573-B0-001 REV. A5. If the batteries are not installed, install them at this time per the instructions in Section 3.2

Strona 17 - 2.1 Pole Mounting, continued

243.0 Power Supply, continued745-573-B0-001 REV. ABCADEBCADEBCADEAFA. AC output cableB. Output voltage selectC. Battery power cable (Fig. 3-5, 3-6)D.

Strona 18

253.0 Power Supply, continued745-573-B0-001 REV. ACAUTION: Short circuit danger: Do not rest tools or equipment on top of batteries. Do notallow batte


263.0 Power Supply, continued745-573-B0-001 REV. A1. Confirm the CPRTM DC circuit breaker is off (down).2. Place the batteries in the bottom of the ca

Strona 20 - 2.3 Enclosure Grounding

273.0 Power Supply, continued745-573-B0-001 REV. A1. Confirm the CPRTM DC circuit breaker is off (down).2. Place the batteries in the bottom of the ca

Strona 21

283.0 Power Supply, continued745-573-B0-001 REV. A3.2 Battery Installation and Connection, continued3.2.3 Connecting an Additional 48V Battery StringN

Strona 22 - 3.0 Power Supply, continued

293.0 Power Supply, continued745-573-B0-001 REV. A3.2 Battery Installation and Connection, continued3.2.4 Connecting an Additional 36V Battery StringN

Strona 23 - 3.0 Power Supply

NOTE: Photographs contained in this manual are for illustrative purposes only. Thesephotographs may not exactly match your installation.NOTE: Review t

Strona 24

303.0 Power Supply, continued745-573-B0-001 REV. A3.2 Battery Installation and Connection, continued+-+-+-+--+- -+UPPER SHELFLOWER SHELFCABINET FRONTR

Strona 25

313.0 Power Supply, continued745-573-B0-001 REV. A3.2 Battery Installation and Connection, continued-++-+-+--+UPPER SHELFLOWER SHELFCABINET FRONTREDBL

Strona 26

323.0 Power Supply, continued745-573-B0-001 REV. A3.2 Battery Installation and Connection, continued-+- -+-UPPER SHELFCABINET FRONTREDBLACKOPTIONAL XM

Strona 27

333.0 Power Supply, continued745-573-B0-001 REV. ACPRTM UPS STARTUP AND INVERTER TEST PROCEDURE:1. Verify that all connections to the CPRTM have been

Strona 28

343.0 Power Supply, continued745-573-B0-001 REV. A7. Verify the external LEDs on the CPRTM outdoor cabinet are functioning. In normal operation,the gr

Strona 29

353.0 Power Supply, continued745-573-B0-001 REV. ANOTE: It is important that secure mechanical and electrical connections be maintained onthis equipme

Strona 30

363.0 Power Supply, continued745-573-B0-001 REV. A3.4 Maintenance, continuedCable Company:___________________________________________________Inspectio

Strona 31

373.0 Power Supply, continued745-573-B0-001 REV. AAlways make sure a battery is fully charged before placing it into storage.Never charge batteries in

Strona 32

384.0 Troubleshooting, Continued745-573-B0-001 REV. A ACTIONPROBABLE CAUSESYMPTOMNo AC output to coaxcableUtility failure Notify local Power Co..Exter

Strona 33

394.0 Troubleshooting, Continued745-573-B0-001 REV. A4.2 Troubleshooting Guide Part 2 ACTIONPROBABLE CAUSESYMPTOMAC input "High" red LEDis l


4Preface745-573-B0-001 REV. AContentsImportant Safety Instructions...

Strona 35

405.0 Status Monitor, Continued745-573-B0-001 REV. AThe communication module installs in the same basic manner for all three levels of status monitori

Strona 36

415.0 Status Monitor, Continued745-573-B0-001 REV. AThe operation of the status monitor is automatic and carries out its functions without the direct

Strona 37

425.0 Status Monitor, Continued745-573-B0-001 REV. ALEVEL THREEAllows for remote status monitoring similar to Level One and Two with the DB-9 connecto

Strona 38 - Continued

436. Specifications, Continued745-573-B0-001 REV. AMODELPARAMETERNom inal Input VoltageInput Voltage Range (% )Input Voltage RangeNom inal Input Curr.

Strona 39 - , Continued

446. Specifications, Continued745-573-B0-001 REV. AMODELPARAMETERN om inal Input VoltageInput Voltage Range (% )Input Voltage RangeNom inal Input Curr

Strona 41

Due to continuing product improvements, Alpha reserves the right to change specifications without notice.Copyright © 2004 Alpha Technologies, Inc. All

Strona 42

5Preface745-573-B0-001 REV. AFigures & Tables1.0 OverviewFig. 1-1, Ground Mount (Front View of 4 battery cabinet with ground skirt) ...

Strona 43 - 6. Specifications, Continued

6Preface745-573-B0-001 REV. ANOTE: Alpha Technologies’ products are subject to change through continual improvementprocesses. Therefore, specification

Strona 44

7Preface745-573-B0-001 REV. AA “Warning” identifies conditions and actions that pose a hazard to the user.A “Caution” identifies conditions and action

Strona 45

8Preface745-573-B0-001 REV. ACautionsNOTE: Enclosure, equipment or parts may be damaged or cause damage if usedor installed improperly.To avoid damag

Strona 46

9Preface745-573-B0-001 REV. ALead-acid batteries contain dangerous voltages, currents and corrosive material. Battery installation,maintenance, servic

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