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Strona 1 - 120V Input Model

ZTT/Plus CATV UPSUsers Guide120V Input ModelEffective: June, 2003

Strona 2 - Alpha Technologies

10Preface164201085 Rev. F0The battery maintenance instructions listed below are for reference only. Batterymanufacturer’s instructions for transportat

Strona 3 - 1-800-863-3364

11Preface164201085 Rev. F0• Lethal voltages are present within the power supply and electrical boxes. Neverassume that an electrical connection or con

Strona 4 - Table of Contents

121.Overview164201085 Rev. F01.1 The ZTT/Plus Uninterruptible Power SupplyThis manual provides information related to the installation, operation, and

Strona 5 - List of Tables

2. Cabinet Installation13164201085 Rev. F0The standard cabinet is designed to be pole-mounted. Wooden pole mount applicationsutilize machine bolts to

Strona 6 - Contained In This Manual

142. Cabinet Installation164201085 Rev. F0INSTALLATION PROCEDURE1. Install an appropriate disconnect box between the AC power source and the cabinetm

Strona 7 - General Safety Precautions

2. Cabinet Installation15164201085 Rev. F06454372, 82.1 Pole-Mount Cabinet, continuedFig. 2-2 Exploded View, Pole Mounting Arrangement

Strona 8 - To avoid damage

162. Cabinet Installation164201085 Rev. F0Power Meter992.1 Pole-Mount Cabinet, continuedFig. 2-3 Utility Disconnect, Grounding for Pole Mounting Arran

Strona 9 - To avoid injury:

2. Cabinet Installation17164201085 Rev. F0INSTALLATION PROCEDUREAlthough ground mounting the power supply can be accomplished by several methods, thef

Strona 10 - Battery Safety Notes

182. Cabinet Installation164201085 Rev. F02.2 Ground-Mount Cabinet, continued2.2.1 Enclosure GroundingNOTE: Alpha Technologies recommends using the gr

Strona 11 - Mechanical Safety

2. Cabinet Installation19164201085 Rev. F02.2 Ground-Mount Cabinet, continued2.2.1 Enclosure Grounding, continuedSERVICE GROUNDING (REQUIRED)#6 bare c

Strona 12 - 1.Overview

PowerAlpha Technologies®

Strona 13 - 2. Cabinet Installation

202. Cabinet Installation164201085 Rev. F02.2 Ground-Mount Cabinet, continuedNOTE: It is recommended the cement pad dimensions extend beyond the groun

Strona 14

2. Cabinet Installation21164201085 Rev. F02.2 Ground-Mount Cabinet, continuedFig. 2-6 Ground Mount (Front View)

Strona 15

222. Cabinet Installation164201085 Rev. F02.2 Ground-Mount Cabinet, continuedFig. 2-7 Ground Mount (Rear View)

Strona 16

2. Cabinet Installation23164201085 Rev. F0WARNING: Adhere to all appropriate electrical precautionsCONNECTION PROCEDURE1. Open the cabinet doors.2. In

Strona 17

3. Power Supply Installation24164201085 Rev. F03.1.1 ZTT/Plus Chassis InstallationINSTALLATION PROCEDURECAUTION: The maximum ZTT/Plus chassis weight i

Strona 18

3. Power Supply Installation25164201085 Rev. F01. Place the ZTT/Plus chassis on the upper shelf of the cabinet with the circuit breakersfacing the fro

Strona 19

3. Power Supply Installation26164201085 Rev. F0NOTE: Read the safety instructions at the front of this manual prior to installing thebatteries.CAUTION

Strona 20

3. Power Supply Installation27164201085 Rev. F03.2.1 Three Battery InstallationTo install three batteries for use with the ZTT/Plus:NOTE: Do not allow

Strona 21

3. Power Supply Installation28164201085 Rev. F03.2 Battery Installation and Connection, continued3.2.2 Six Battery ConnectionTo install six batteries

Strona 22

3. Power Supply Installation29164201085 Rev. F03.2.3 Battery Removal1. Turn the DC circuit breaker off (down) and observe all precautions for handling

Strona 23

3164201085 Rev. F0NOTE: Photographs contained in this manual are for illustrative purposes only.These photographs may not exactly match your installat

Strona 24 - 3. Power Supply Installation

304. Operation164201085 Rev. F0This chapter explains the operation of the ZTT/Plus CATV UPS including startup and initialtest, the front panel, UPS o

Strona 25

314. Operation164201085 Rev. F0TURN UP AND TEST PROCEDURE, CONTINUED3. If the inverter module is not already installed (Verify AC and DC breakers are

Strona 26

324. Operation164201085 Rev. F0The ZTT/Plus UPS can operate in NORMAL mode (AC operation) with the inverter moduleremoved. The module can be safely re

Strona 27

334. Operation164201085 Rev. F0CONDITION / ACTIONLEDLCD PANELSYSTEM DISPLAYThe UPS is operating normally.GreenNormal ModeThe UPS is on battery. Confir

Strona 28

344. Operation164201085 Rev. F0LCD panel MenuThe following information can be viewed by pushing the LCD control buttons ( and ).Push the button

Strona 29

355. Maintenance164201085 Rev. F0NOTE: It is important that secure mechanical and electrical connections bemaintained on this equipment. Secure connec

Strona 30 - 4. Operation

365. Maintenance164201085 Rev. F05.2 Maintenance Log Sheet ZTT/Plus UPS Maintenance Log SheetFor use with routine maintenance procedures in the operat

Strona 31

376. Specifications164201085 Rev. F0The ZTT/Plus CATV UPS is available in three low-voltage models. In NORMAL mode (ACoperation), the UPS provides reg

Strona 32

386. Specifications164201085 Rev. F0ZTT/Plus Chassis 178mm 419mm 330mm 60/72/90V and 60/90VZero (0) - Uninterr

Strona 33

396. Specifications164201085 Rev. F0Parameter SpecificationQuantity 3 eachVoltage 12 VdcType Sealed lead acid (non-flooded)Recommends Battery Absorbed

Strona 34

4164201085 Rev. F0Table of ContentsPREFACEImportant Safety Instructions ...

Strona 35 - 5. Maintenance

407. Troubleshooting164201085 Rev. F0 ACTIONPROBABLECAUSESYMPTOMClose battery breaker if open and check for secure batteryconnection.Battery breaker o

Strona 36

417. Troubleshooting164201085 Rev. F0 ACTIONPROBABLECAUSESYMPTOMReset the alarm by opening, then closing the batterybreaker. Load-test the batteries a

Strona 39

Due to continuing product improvements, Alpha reserves the right to change specifications without notice.Copyright © 2003 Alpha Technologies, Inc. All

Strona 40 - 7. Troubleshooting

5164201085 Rev. F0List of Figures1. OVERVIEWFig. 1-1 Lectro ZTT/Plus CATV UPS ...

Strona 41 - PROBABLE

6Preface164201085 Rev. F0NOTE: Alpha Technologies’ products are subject to change through continualimprovement processes. Therefore, specifications an

Strona 42

7Preface164201085 Rev. F0General Safety PrecautionsA “Warning” identifies conditions and actions that pose a hazard to the user.A “Caution” identifies

Strona 43

8Preface164201085 Rev. F0CautionsNOTE: Enclosure, equipment or parts may be damaged or cause damage if usedor installed improperly.To avoid damage:•

Strona 44

9Preface164201085 Rev. F0Battery Safety NotesLead-acid batteries contain dangerous voltages, currents and corrosive material. Batteryinstallation, mai

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