Alpha Novus FXM 1100 Instrukcja Operatora

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Uninterruptible Power Supplies
Operators Manual
Rev 0408
Novus FXM 650, 1100, 2000
Total Power Solutions by Alpha Technologies
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Podsumowanie treści

Strona 1 - Novus FXM 650, 1100, 2000

Uninterruptible Power SuppliesOperator’s ManualRev 0408PowerNovus FXM 650, 1100, 2000 Total Power Solutions by Alpha Technologies

Strona 2

Who Should Read This ManualThis manual is intended for qualified installers – trained electricians or technicians who are fully educated on the hazards

Strona 3 - Contents

Symbols Used on The ProductThe following symbol appears on various internal components of the Novus FXM: Risk of electric shock.Related DocumentsNone

Strona 4

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Strona 5 - 1. Product Safety Information

3. OverviewIntroductionThe Novus FXM is available in 3 models – FXM 650, FXM 1100 and FXM 2000. The FXM 650 and the FXM 1100/2000 look different, but

Strona 6

Front Panel Description1234124Figure 3.3 - Front Panel Description1 Battery BreakerThis circuit breaker provides overcurrent protection and is an on/

Strona 7 - Certifications and Compliances

5 LCD Control PanelThis panel and the cancel, scroll and select buttons below it let you monitor and control the FXM. More information is given in “Op

Strona 8

to the FXM for it to monitor the battery temperature. The charging voltage is temperature dependant and the FXM’s microprocessor adjusts it for optimu

Strona 9 - 2. Introduction

“Operating the Novus FXM “#35 Low Battery Warning Voltage.” on page 40.• C4: This contact is energized after the FXM has been in Inverter mode for 2

Strona 10 - Symbols Used in This Manual

22 (C): Isolated return for contacts S1, S2 and S3. It is locat-ed on contact C8 (#22).Contact C7 Contact C819S1:Self Test20S2:Alarm21S3:Shutdown22C

Strona 11 - Related Documents

12 Input Circuit BreakerThis circuit breaker is an on/off switch for line power into the FXM and provides input protection. It must be on for proper F

Strona 12

NoticeRev 0408Doc# 017-201-B0Copyright © 2007-2008 Alpha Technologies Ltd. All rights reserved. Alpha® is a registered trademark of Alpha Technologies

Strona 13 - 3. Overview

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Strona 14 - Front Panel Description

4. Site Planning WARNING Restricted Access: The Novus FXM must be installed in a restricted area accessible only by qualified service personnel.

Strona 15 - Doc# 017-201-B0 Rev 0408

The FXM should be placed at a properly sheltered located or inside a weather-proof enclosure to protect the electronics from water, dust and other p

Strona 16 - Figure 3.5 - Contact Layout

5. Unpacking the Novus FXMOpening the PackageFollow these guidelines for unpacking the Novus FXM. WARNING Heavy Object: The Novus FXM. is heavy (up

Strona 17

Available optional itemsQty ItemBatteries, if ordered from Alpha, will be shipped separately.Enclosure (with optional mounting hardware kit)Battery he

Strona 18 - Microprocessor

6. Installation WARNING Grounding: The Novus FXM. module MUST be correctly grounded for proper operation. WARNING Disconnects: The input and out

Strona 19

Mounting the Novus FXM.The FXM can be placed on a shelf with no other parts needed. Any version of the FXM can be rack or wall mounted or secured to a

Strona 20

one, unscrew the screws in each corner, remove the panel, rotate it and reinstall the screws. Caution: Use care to avoid damaging or pulling out the

Strona 21 - 4. Site Planning

Wiring the External Batteries WARNING The batteries must be installed by qualified personnel trained in the safe use of high-energy power supplies an

Strona 22

Caution: Torque the battery terminals according to the manufacturer’s specifications as given on the name plate or data sheet.Wire the batteries as s

Strona 23 - Standard items

ContentsNotice ... ii1. Product Safety Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Strona 24 - Available optional items

Wiring the Novus FXM WARNING Make sure the line power is off. Turn off all input and output circuit breakers on the FXM before making any electrical

Strona 25 - 6. Installation

ATS/GTS OptionThe ATS (automatic transfer switch) and the GTS (generator transfer switch) are two separate optional add-on switching units for the FXM

Strona 26 - Mounting the Novus FXM

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Strona 27 - Installation

7. OperationThe following sections describe the operation of the Novus FXM.Operating the control panel on page 34.Turning the FXM On and Off on

Strona 28 - Wiring the External Batteries

Operating the Control PanelThe LCD control panel provides “at a glance” monitoring. This panel, when used along with the CANCEL, SCROLL and SELECT but

Strona 29

UPS Operating ModesLCD Shows DescriptionSHUTDOWNThe FXM’s inverter is turned off. Line power is disconnected from the load.LINEThe FXM is turned on. L

Strona 30 - Wiring the Novus FXM

Logo Screen(Figure 7.1)System Status Menu(Figure 7.5)Control Menu(Figure 7.4)Alarm and Fault Menus (If Active)(Figures 9.1 and 9.2)Event Status Menu(P

Strona 31 - ATS/GTS Option

Turning the Novus FXM On and OffUnder normal operation, the FXM is always powered ON to supply uninterruptible power to the load. By turning off the F

Strona 32

Switching the FXM from Line mode to Inverter modeYou can also force the FXM to operate in the inverter mode by manu-ally turning off the input circuit

Strona 33 - 7. Operation

Replacing the Batteries WARNINGMake sure you have read and understood the battery safety instruc-tions in “Product Safety Information” on page 5. Ca

Strona 34 - 120/60/N

Adjusting and controlling the Novus FXM ...50Programming the dry contacts and the clock ... 51100-Event

Strona 35 - UPS Operating Modes

Operating the Novus FXMThe control menu (Figure 7.4 ) lets you operate the FXM or program it to suit your operating conditions. You can also use the N

Strona 36 -  Starting at the Logo

Control MenuLCD Shows Meaning DescriptionFUNC MODE Functional ModeThe functional mode can only be changed when the FXM is in Standby or Shutdown mode

Strona 37 - Turn On Procedure (LINE mode)

Making MeasurementsThe System Status Menu (Figure 7. 5) lets you make measurements of various FXM inputs, outputs, temperatures and other values. You

Strona 38 - Procedure

Viewing the 25-Event LogThe event menu displays on the LCD the last 25 events the FXM went through and the malfunction that triggered it. If more than

Strona 39 - Control Panel Tutorial

Communicating with the RS-232 interfaceThe following subsections describe the operation of the Novus FXM via the RS-232 interface.Wiring the RS-232 Po

Strona 40 - LCD Shows Meaning Description

Wiring the RS-232 portThe FXM’s front panel has a DB-9 female connector. When connect-ed to a PC with Windows HyperTerminal or other terminal emulatio

Strona 41

Using the Main MenuThe FXM’s main menu screen runs on a command line system (Fig-ure 7.8 ). This program does not recognize the backspace or delete ke

Strona 42 - System Status Menu

RS-232 Menu TreeSubmenus #1, 2 and 4 are read-only screens for monitoring the FXM. To control the FXM, use submenu #3, the Maintenance submenu1-Unit S

Strona 43 - Over Load

Line StatusLine status tells you the line’s condition (See also Figure 7. 2 on page 35). For an updated value, press Enter.Line StatusNormalThe line i

Strona 44

Fault and Alarm DisplaysFault and alarm displays any malfunctions the FXM has encountered. (Also see "Troubleshooting" on page 87).FaultsSho

Strona 45 - Terminal Set Up Table

1. Product Safety InformationIMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS: This manual contains important safety in-structions that must be f

Strona 46 - (Page 48 & 49))

Adjusting and Controlling the Novus FXMThe Maintenance submenu (Figure 7.13 ) lets you control the FXM and change selected items to meet your operatio

Strona 47 - RS-232 Menu Tree

Programming the Dry Contacts and the ClockThe FXM’s front panel contacts (See "Contacts C1 to C6” on page 16) can be programmed to meet your spec

Strona 48 - Output Status

Setting the Timer Contact The front panel’s timer contact (See "Contacts C1 to C6” on page 16 and "Programming the Dry Contacts and the Cloc

Strona 49 - Fault and Alarm Displays

Setting the Date and TimeSee Figure 7.16 below.Enter command UPS display Descriptionclock and press Enter *clock=12/31/07 22:00:00 Returns the curren

Strona 50 - Maintenance Submenu

100-Event LogUp to 100 events are stored in the FXM’s log. If more than 100 events occur, the oldest is over written.ProcedureTo see the log, type 1.

Strona 51 - Dry Contact Configuration

If less than 100 events occurred, the last entry will appear as: 2. eventX=00/00/00 00:00:00 0000000000000000, 0000000000000000, 000To clear the log

Strona 52 - Setting the Timer Contact

Novus User SoftwareIntroductionThe Novus User Software Graphical User Interface (GUI) provides Web or Windows© like computer communications with the F

Strona 53 - Setting the Date and Time

Checking Your Windows Computer for the .NET FrameworkClick on the 1. Start button.Go to 2. Settings. Click on it.Click on 3. Control Panel.Double-c

Strona 54 - Code Mode Code Mode Code Mode

Installation and Set UpYou will need the following tools and materials:Novus User Software (available for download from www.alpha. com).Windows 98 or

Strona 55 - Operation

OperationThe various screens are described on the following pages and oper-ate like Web or Windows-type screens. Point and click to change the various

Strona 56 - Novus User Software

Neutralize spilled electrolyte with special neutralizing solutions in a “spill kit” or a solution of 1 lb. (0.45 kg) of baking soda (bicar-bonate of

Strona 57

UPS MONITORINGThese read-only screens show the FXM’s current input and output values and other measurements. Input & Output: This shows you the

Strona 58 - • BaudRate:2400

Relay & Load Shed: This shows you how the front panel dry con-tacts are configured. If any relays are used for load shedding, it shows the time the

Strona 59

UPS MAINTENANCEThese screens let you configure and adjust the FXM to meet your op-erating needs. To change any parameter, either click on the On/Off

Strona 60

Inverter: This lets you turn the inverter on or off to start or stop backup battery power to the load.Figure 7. 26 – UPS Maintenance: Inverter screenR

Strona 61

Controlling the external fan by temperature triggered dry contactThe Novus FXM has up to 6 dry contacts (C1 to C6) on the front panel which can be con

Strona 62

(a) Assigning the Temperature trigger function to a dry contact(b) Setting the Temperature trigger valueFigure 7. 28 – Temperature trigger function v

Strona 63

RS-232 HyperTerminal – the Temperature trigger function can be 3. assigned to any available dry contacts as described in "Program-ming the Dry Co

Strona 64

RS-232 GUI – Figure 2. 7. 3 0 shows the UPS Maintenance > Unit Configuration screen. Click the Restore Defaults button. Enter the password to execu

Strona 65

Number of weeks setting of periodical self-testDay of the week setting of periodical self-testTime of the day setting of periodical self-testBattery l

Strona 66

ture called the Time of Day Action is added to deactivate the timer during a user defined time period of the day. See Figure 7.3 2.  Inverter mode

Strona 67

Never dispose of batteries in a fire. The batteries may explode. Follow the manufacturer’s directions and check with your local jurisdictions for saf

Strona 68

Figure 7. 3 4 – Time Of Day Action StatusOnce the Time of Day Action is configured, the FXM will automati-cally disable the timers during inverter mode

Strona 69

Password: This lets you set the FXM’s password. The factory set password is 1111.Figure 7. 3 6 – UPS Maintenance: Password screen Note The password

Strona 70

Figure 7. 3 8 – User Input Conguration: Setting the Trigger TypeIn the Input 1 column, click on the 2. Type down arrow to display the 3 types of av

Strona 71

Figure 7. 41 – User Input Current StatusYou can perform a quick test by shorting the User Input 1 dry con-tact pin (pin 19 of C6) to ground (pin 22 o

Strona 72

High to Lowedge triggerUser inputAction #1 Action #1(b) Level = Low User Input = High to Low, Action #1 is triggered User Input = Low to High, no acti

Strona 73 - Types of Trigger

User inputAction #1 Action #2 Action #1(b) Level = LowUser Input = High to Low, Action #1 is triggered User Input = Low to High, no action triggered U

Strona 74

EVENT HISTORYThis screen shows you the last 100 events recorded by the FXM. Choosing a number in the Event Index drop-down box and then clicking on

Strona 75 - ■ ALARMS & FAULTS

In the Event Log Monitor window, the events are displayed by date and time and you can scroll up and down the list to select the events you want to se

Strona 76

UPGRADE FILES This screen shows the current version number of the Novus firmware.Figure 7. 51 – Novus User Software: UPS Upgrade Files screen COMMUN

Strona 77

8. MaintenanceUpdating the SoftwareThe Novus FXM’s firmware can be reinstalled or updated to the latest version with this procedure.You will need the f


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Strona 79 - 8. Maintenance

In the 6. uBug12 screen, type (all lower case) fbulk and press ENTER. The erase pop-up appears. It disappears when the FXM’s memory is erased. If an

Strona 80

When the software has finished loading into the FXM, the pop-up shows “Loaded OK in (xx) seconds.” If an error message appears, turn off the FXM and st

Strona 81

Testing and Replacing the BatteriesBattery lifeBatteries lose their ability to store power throughout their life. The bat-teries should be regularly t

Strona 82 - Battery Run Time

Battery MaintenanceThe batteries supplied with this unit are sealed and maintenance free. Regularly ensure that all connectors are tight and free of c

Strona 83 - Replacing the Batteries

Battery terminal corrosion inhibitor (such as NOCO Company’s NCP-2 or Sanchem Inc.’s No-Ox ID Grease “A”) WARNINGMake sure you have read and unders

Strona 84

Preventative MaintenancePreventative maintenance should be performed on the FXM mod-ule every 6 to 12 months. For mission critical applications such a

Strona 85 - Preventative Maintenance

Operational TestActivate the FXM self-test function.1. After passing the self-test, disconnect the AC input to the FXM to 2. trigger the FXM into the

Strona 86 - Service and Technical Support

9. TroubleshootingWhen the front panel alarm LED is on or flashing, the FXM has a malfunction. The alarm and fault submenus (Figures 9.1 and 9.2) desc

Strona 87 - 9. Troubleshooting

Fault SubmenuLCD Shows Description of Problem What To DoOverload FaultThe load draws more power than the FXM can provide. This can lead to an automati

Strona 88 - Other Problems

Appendix A: SpecificationsDue to ongoing product improvements, specications are subject to change without notice.Mechanical SpecificationsDimensions, i

Strona 89 - Mechanical Specifications

2. IntroductionWhat This Manual CoversThis manual provides full procedures for the safe and proper installa-tion, operation, maintenance, and troubles

Strona 90 - Electrical Specifications

Electrical SpecificationsInputVoltage (nominal), VAC120 or 230 (optional 220), 120 only for 650-48Frequency, Hz, ±5%60/50 (auto-detection) (note: Outpu

Strona 91 - Regulatory

Boost/Buck/Line Transfer ThresholdsParameterFXM 650 / 1100 FXM 2000120 VAC Units 230 VAC Units 120 VAC UnitsHigh Line TransferHigh Line Retransfer175

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Strona 93 - 93Doc# 017-201-B0 Rev 0408

Note: Listings in ALL UPPER CASE are entries as displayed on the LCD panelSymbols25-Event Log ...4348 VDC connector. S ee fr

Strona 94

Note: Listings in ALL UPPER CASE are entries as displayed on the LCD panelFFan, internal ...14FAULT submenu . . . . . . . .

Strona 95 - AC PRODUCTS

WARRANTYAC PRODUCTSAlpha Technologies Limited (ATL) warrants its products to be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of t

Strona 96

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Strona 97 - Emergency Shutdown Procedure

For emergency technical support 7 days a week/24 hours a day, call: Canada/USA: 1 800 667 8743Complete the following for your records:Serial #

Strona 98 - Alpha Technologies

PowerAlpha Technologies®Due to continuing product improvements, Alpha reserves the right to change specications without notice. Copyright © 2007-2008

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