Alpha XM 6005 Series Instrukcja Użytkownika

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Thank you for buying ALPHA6000 series inverter made by Shenzhen ALPHA Inverter
Co., Ltd.
To satisfy the high performance needs, ALPHA6000 series inverters use magnetic flux
vector control method to achieve high torque at low speed and low-noise at steady
running. The inner PID operation can perform PID close loop control easily.
ALPHA6000 proprietary features include the advanced automatic torque compensation,
multiple controlling methods, up to 36 fault protections and warning functions. Online
watching and changing parameters, Integrated RS485 Interface, and operation flexibility.
In addition, Energy Saving Running can furthest improves the motor power factor and
ALPHA6000 series are suitable for almost all motor driving applications like paper
process, textile machines, food process, cement, spinning weaving and dyeing,
metallurgy, Iron and steel, and other machinery.
The inverter has wide speed-adjusting range, stable operation, high accuracy and reliable
performance. It can be widely used in application of electrical power energy saving.
If you have some problem that can’t be solved in operation, please contact the nearest
local agents or service center, or contact our company directly.
To ensure the perfect use of this product and the safety of user, please read the user
manual carefully before the operation of inverter and keep the manual in proper place for
future reference.
The information contained in this manual is subject to change without notice.
Before mounting, wiring and commissioning the inverter, to ensure the safety of user and
extending the life of this equipment, it strongly suggested that we must read the safety
rules warnings listed in this book and cautions marked on the inverter.
When in operation, we must pay attention to the situation of driven load and all notes that
related on safety.
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1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 234 235

Podsumowanie treści

Strona 1 - Preface

Preface Preface Thank you for buying ALPHA6000 series inverter made by Shenzhen ALPHA Inverter Co., Ltd. To satisfy the high performance needs, ALPHA6

Strona 2

Chapter 2 Installation and Wiring Fig 2-4 3R75GB~3004GB Main Circuit Wiring Table2-2 3R75GB~3004GB main circuit terminals function Terminal Symbol

Strona 3 - Contents

Chapter 4 Parameter Index 100 Function code Function Name LCD Display Range of settings DefaultChangeMODBUS Address Pd.15 Reset Interval Reset Interv

Strona 4

Chapter 4 Parameter Index PE: Running History Record Function code Function Name LCD Display Range of settings Change DefaultMODBUS Address

Strona 5

Chapter 4 Parameter Index 102 Function code Function Name LCD Display Range of settings DefaultChange MODBUS Address PE.00

Strona 6 - ALPHA6000 - 3 7R5 G B

Chapter 4 Parameter Index 103 Function code Function Name LCD Display Range of settings DefaultChange MODBUS Address PE.01 Output frequency at last fa

Strona 7

Chapter 4 Parameter Index 104 Function code Function Name LCD Display Range of settings DefaultChange MODBUS Address PE.12 Total electric-consumption

Strona 8 - 2.4 Main Circuit Wiring

Chapter 4 Parameter Index 105 PF: Protection of Parameters Function code Function Name LCD Display Range of settings DefaultChangeMODBUS Address PF.00

Strona 9

Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions 5.1 Basic Function (Group P0) P0.00 Reference frequency Range: 0 ~Maximum frequ

Strona 10

Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions P0.03 Frequency setting selection Range: 0~5【0】 0: Frequency setting 1 1: Terminal Selection 2: Frequency setting

Strona 11

Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions ◆Serial communication: Users connected the serial communication port to PC or PLC, then through communication to con

Strona 12

Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions Output Voltage(V)Rated Voltage Output Freq.(Hz)BasicFrequencyMax output Frequency Fig. 5-0-1 V/F characteristic diag

Strona 13

Chapter 2 Installation and Wiring Table 2-4 35R5GB/37R5PB~3015GB/3018PB main circuit terminals function Terminal Symbol Terminal name and function R,

Strona 14

Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions Example: In the range, when P0.11 is set to 100, turn left/right the digital encoder one cycle, the reference freque

Strona 15 - Metal shell box

Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions Voltage %Frequency (Hz)P0.14P0.16Basic Frequency (P0.06)P0.18100%P0.13 P0.15 P0.17 Fig. 5-0-3 V/F-curve defined by

Strona 16

Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions Note: P0.20 defines the cut-off frequency used for manual torque boost to the basic frequency (defined by P0.19), a

Strona 17

Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions 113 Brake First and then startOutput Freq.(Hz)DC injec tion br aking timeBr ak ingenergyTimeTimeBraking voltageRunni

Strona 18

Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions 114 ◆Starting process includes the start of inverter power on, power recover, external fault M 18G/3022P and abo

Strona 19

Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions 115 The range of DC injection braking current and time are dependent on the inverter model, see Table 5-1-1. DC in

Strona 20

Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions 116 Running Freq.(Hz)TimeAcc TimeDec Time③②①①③② Fig. 5-1-5 S-curve acceleration/deceleration P1.06 Time of S-curve

Strona 21

Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions 117 After receiving the stop command, the inverter stops output immediately and the load ◆er reduces its output freq

Strona 22

Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions deceleration, if the output frequency is at or below the “DC injection braking frequency at stop, the DC injection b

Strona 23 - Inverter

Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions Range: 0.5-10.0s 【 This value depends on the inverter model】 P1.16 Trip-free time Note: ◆If having the speed trac

Strona 24 - Shielded wire

Chapter 2 Installation and Wiring Table 2-5 3018G/3022P~3055G/3075P main circuit terminals function Terminal Function R,S,T Three -phase 380V AC s

Strona 25

Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions 120 5.3 Auxiliary Operation (Group P2) P2.00 Jog Frequency Range: 0.10~50.00Hz【5.00Hz】 P2.01 Acc time of Jog Range

Strona 26

Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions Operation Freq.(Hz)Timet1 Fig. 5-2-2 FWD/REV switching time diagram P2.04 Frequency lower limit deal mode Range: 0,

Strona 27 - Shield wire near grounding

Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions 122 P2.05 Frequency departure setting Range: 0.00~2.50Hz【0.00Hz】 Note: ◆This function is used to prevent the fluc

Strona 28

Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions ◆The inverter can set three jump frequency points, and the jump frequency bandwidth can overlap or nesting. If overl

Strona 29

Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions P2.24 Fan control mode Range: 0,1【0】 0: Auto mode 1: Always ON Note: ◆Auto stop mode The fan always runs when the

Strona 30 - Digital frequency

Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions P3.01 Multi-function input selection Terminal X1 Range: 0~53【1】 P3.02 Multi-function input selection Terminal X2 R

Strona 31

Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions Setting Function Setting Function SS1 Multi-step Speed 27 SS2 Multi-step Speed 26 SS3 Multi-step Speed 29 Comman

Strona 32

Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions rising edge, so it must be operated as “disabled-enabled-disabled”, shown in Fig. 5-3-1. Reset commandKeyboard displ

Strona 33

Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions 128 Whether the UP/DOWN terminal is effective or not, the reference frequency will be the sum of initial value of UP

Strona 34

Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions frequency reference of UP/DOWN will keep the initial value even if press “STOP/RESET ” key. As shown in Fig.5-3-4.

Strona 35

Chapter 2 Installation and Wiring 13 Fig 2-8 3400G~3500G Main Circuit Wiring Table 2-6 3160G/3185P~3500G main circuit terminals function Terminal

Strona 36

Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions Output Freq.(Hz)initial frequencyDC injection brakingOutput VoltageBraking energyTimeRun CommandWaiting time forDC i

Strona 37

Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions 131 Table 5-3-2 Multi-step frequency Frequency selection Description SS3 SS2 SS1 Frequency setting SS3ON ON ON ON O

Strona 38 - 2.7 Wiring Attention

Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions ◆TT1~TT2: Combinations of the two terminals to make Acc/Dec time 1~4 ,as shown in Table 5-3-3. ◆If simultaneity de

Strona 39 - Chapter 3 Operation

Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions ◆Pausing PLC operation: Timing paused. If the setting value is 43 and the terminal function is valid, the PLC oper

Strona 40

Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions ◆This terminal is used for pulse input to the internal counter of the inverter. The highest pulse frequency is 400 H

Strona 41

Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions ◆2-wire control mode 2 In this mode, both function RUN (Run command) and F/R (Running direction) are used: If RUN is

Strona 42

Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions Range: 0.01~99.99Hz/s【1.00Hz/s】 P3.10 Terminal UP/DN rate Range:0.00~Frequency upper limit【10.00Hz】 P3.11 UP/DN refe

Strona 43

Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions 137 ◆If collectors are selected as PLC running steps output or fault output, D0, Y1, Y2 must be selected as the same

Strona 44

Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions Setting Function Description Completion of simple PLC operation 8 If the present step of PLC operation is finished

Strona 45

Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions 139 Setting Function Description 22 Reserved Reserved 23 OLP2: Overload signal If the output current is higher th

Strona 46

Chapter 2 Installation and Wiring 2.4.2 Main Circuit Wiring operation Be sure that the motor is running forward when the running direction command

Strona 47

Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions ◆This function used to adjust FAR detection bandwidth, when the output frequency reaches to the reference frequency.

Strona 48 - 50.00 49.99 49.50

Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions FDT lagTimeTimeFDT levelOutput Freq.FDT signal Fig. 5-3-9 FDT level and lag diagram P3.21 Frequency upper limit arr

Strona 49 - 3.3 Trial Operation

Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions P3.23 Torque detection reference Range: 0.0~200.0%【100.0%】 Note: ◆If motor torque is equal to or more than the

Strona 50

Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions 5.5 Analog and Pulse Function (Group P4) P4.00 Analog Nonlinear Selection Range: 0~3【0】 0:Null 1:AI1 2:AI2 3:Pulse N

Strona 51

Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions P4.13 Max pulse value Input 3 (pulse input Terminal) Range: P4.11~50.00kH【50.00k】 P4.14 Physical value 3 correspond

Strona 52

Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions %Min analogvalue (V)Max analogvalue (V)Physical valuecorresponding to Minanalog value Input%Physical valuecorrespond

Strona 53 - Check the reason

Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions P4.17 AO1 function definition Range: 0~11【0】 P4.18 AO2 function definition Range: 0~11【1】 P4.19 DO function defin

Strona 54 - 0.00 0.50 5.00 0.00

Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions Range: Min Pulse value output of DO~50.00kHz【10.00kHz】 P4.24 Max output frequency of DO Range: 0.00~Max Pulse value

Strona 55

Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7Run Commandf1f2f3f4f5f6f7Operation Freq.(Hz)Time Fig. 5-5-2 Holding the frequency after single c

Strona 56 - Chapter 4 Parameter Index

Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions or fault, it will record the operating time and will continue from the step where the inverter stops, and restart

Strona 57

Chapter 2 Installation and Wiring Countermeasures to RFI: The input cables, output cables and the inverter itself would produce RFI. Placing noise fil

Strona 58

Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions mode 2. P5.02 Saving PLC status when power off Range: 0~1【0】 0:Not save 1:Save Note: ◆Not save The inverter does n

Strona 59

Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions Table 5-5-1 Settings of PLC stage Symbol Acc/Dec time Direction P0.21,P0.22 F: Forward 1F Acc/Dec time 1 1r r: Re

Strona 60

Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions Range: The inverter model of no more than 4kW: 0.00~650.0Hz【0.00Hz】 P6.02 Preset of wobble frequency The inverter mo

Strona 61

Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions Wobble frequency operation process: First, the inverter speeds up to the preset of wobble frequency (P6.02) within t

Strona 62

Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions Time(S)Operation Freq.(Hz)Central Freq.Preset Freq.Run commandStop command Fig. 5-6-3 Wobble frequency start: Restar

Strona 63 - Brake utility

Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions ◆P7.01 is used to define the input method of PID feedback. If P7.01 is set to 9, speed PID is selected as PID feedba

Strona 64

Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions deviations occur and the regulation time is longer. Only the right differential time can reduce regulation time. Ra

Strona 65

Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions Range: 0,1【0】 P7.11 Integration adjust selection 0: Stop Integration Adjust when frequency arrive at limit; 1: Conti

Strona 66

Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions There is no standby function when the speed PID feed is used. P7.16 Dormancy delay time Range: 0~999s【120s】 Range:

Strona 67

Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions ◆The inverter inputs counting pulse by terminals (the inverter models of no less than 5.5kW: X7 or X8 is defined as

Strona 68

Chapter 2 Installation and Wiring Fig 2-12 35R5GB/37R5PB~3500GB Arrangement of Control Circuit Terminals In order to reduce interference and at

Strona 69

Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions if it cannot reach the setting then set P8.06 positive. Now suppose that one motor is overshoot, after doing the cor

Strona 70

Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions Note: ◆The motor’s slip changes with the load torque, which results in the variance of motor speed. The inverter ou

Strona 71

Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions voltage as the output voltage reference. The value of P9.03 is preset according to the standard induction motor befo

Strona 72

Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions ◆AVR means automatic output voltage regulation. When AVR function is invalid, the output voltage will fluctuate when

Strona 73

Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions 164 Note: ◆PA.00, PA.01 and PA.02 are used to set the motor parameters. In order to ensure the control performance,

Strona 74

Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions Formula used for calculating resistance (resistance of stator or rotor) ()%1003/% ×⋅=IVRR Formula used for calculati

Strona 75

Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions Data length: fixed at 8 bits Parity: even parity/no parity/odd parity selectable (parameter Pb.02) Stop bit: fixed a

Strona 76

Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions not overlap with the address numbers of other slaves in the network. To make many inverters and control PLC operate

Strona 77

Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions saved to EEPROM directly. However, if Pb.06 is set as 0, the modified parameters will not be saved to EEPROM, but st

Strona 78

Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions ◆If PC.03 is set to 1, output current will be displayed with unit “A” in monitoring state, and the unit indicator “A

Strona 79

Chapter 2 Installation and Wiring 17 Category TerminalName Functions Specifications Analog output AO1 Analog output1 Be able to output analog volta

Strona 80

Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions unit indicator “m/s” (combination of unit “A” and “V”) will be lit up. The reference line speed cannot be adjusted o

Strona 81

Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions ◆If PC.15 is set to 1, analog PID feedback will be displayed in monitoring state, and all unit indicators will be li

Strona 82

Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions X3 X5 X7 X8X6X4X2X1Y1 Relay1TA/TB/TCRelay2BRA/BRB/BRCY2DOAlways on Fig. 5-12-2Terminal status diagram of 35R5GB/37R5

Strona 83

Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions ◆Linear speed = rotate speed × PC.22 (PG) ◆Reference linear speed= reference frequency* PC.22 (non PG) ◆Reference li

Strona 84

Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions 1 minTimeOutput current100% 200%50% 100%Motor overloadprotectivecoefficient Fig. 5-13-1 Motor overload protection cu

Strona 85

Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions ActionDetect timeDetect timeDetect thresholdOutput currentEnabledTimeTime Fig. 5-13-2 Overload pre-alarm function 

Strona 86

Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions Output Freq.(Hz)0Time(s)Output current %0Time(s)Acceleration Fig. 5-13-3 Acceleration Output Freq.(Hz)0Time(s)Outpu

Strona 87

Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions reducing its output frequency. When the middle direct voltage becomes lower than the point, the deceleration continu

Strona 88

Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions ◆In the digital encoder damage cases, set Pd.12 to 1, so “JOP” key can be used as UP and direction key can be used

Strona 89

Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions Table 5-14-1 Fault categories Fault code Fault categories Fault Fault categories code NULL No fault Uu1 Bus Under

Strona 90

Chapter 2 Installation and Wiring 18 Category TerminalName Functions Specifications Mult-function input terminal

Strona 91

Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions Note: ◆Memorize the types of the last 3 faults. See Table 5-14-1 for the details of faults. Range: 0~65530h【0】 PE.

Strona 92

Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions Range: 0~2【0】 PF.01 Parameter write-in protection 0: All parameters are allowed changing; 1: Only setting frequenc

Strona 93

Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions Note: ◆PF.03 is set to 0: No action; ◆When PF.03 is set to 1 (Parameters download), the copied parameters stored in

Strona 94

Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions ◆The parameter is only valid to the inverter of G/P series ,otherwise it is always 0. ◆Default value of the inverter

Strona 95

Chapter6 Troubleshooting Chapter 6 Troubleshooting 6.1 Troubleshooting When the inverter has detected a fault, the keyboard will display the fault cod

Strona 96

Chapter6 Troubleshooting Fault display Name of protection Possible reasons of fault Actions OC2 Over current in Dec process●Too short decelerating tim

Strona 97

Chapter6 Troubleshooting Fault display Name of protection Possible reasons of fault Actions GF Ground Fault ●Grounding current of output side exceeds

Strona 98

Chapter6 Troubleshooting Fault display Name of protection Possible reasons of fault Actions External fault comes from RS485 serial communication ●MODB

Strona 99

Chapter6 Troubleshooting 188 Fault display Name of protection Possible reasons of fault Actions CCF5 RAM fault ●RAM fault of the control board ●Replac

Strona 100 - Function

Chapter6 Troubleshooting fault Uu2(Control circuit under voltage) and Uu3(Bad charge circuit). ②Only LCD keyboard has parameter-copying function, a st

Strona 101

Chapter 2 Installation and Wiring 19 Category TerminalName Functions Specifications Mult-function input terminal X7 Multi- function in

Strona 102

Chapter6 Troubleshooting 6.3 Motor’s faults and corrective measure If the motor has one of the following faults, please find the reason and take corre

Strona 103

Chapter6 Troubleshooting 191 Fault Content of checking Corrective measure Motor rotate but can’t shift Whether the connection of frequency circuit i

Strona 104

Chapter 7 Peripheral Equipments Chapter 7 Peripheral Equipments 7.1 Peripheral Equipments Connection Diagrams: Isolator switchCircuit breaker or fuseC

Strona 105

Chapter 7 Peripheral Equipments Isolator switchCircuit breaker or fuseAC input reactorAC output reactorOutput EMI filterBraking unitBraking resistorD

Strona 106

Chapter 7 Peripheral Equipments 7.2 Function of Peripheral Equipments Table 7-1 Function of Peripheral Equipments Peripherals and Options MCCB MC *A

Strona 107

Chapter 7 Peripheral Equipments Three -phase 380 11 27 0.8 Three -phase 380 250 480 0.04 15 34 0.6 280 530 0.04 18.5 41 0.5 315 605

Strona 108

Chapter 7 Peripheral Equipments but directly connect the filter housing to the back plate of metal case where the paint has been scraped off. This gro

Strona 109

Chapter 7 Peripheral Equipments 197 7.2.4 Leakage current protector Because safety capacitor or distributed capacitance to earth exists in interior of

Strona 110 - Basic Frequency (P0.06)

Chapter 8 Maintenance 198 Chapter 8 Maintenance 1. Terminals of the inverter have high-voltage .Never touch them, or it will cause electric shock. 2.

Strona 111 - Output voltage

Chapter 8 Maintenance The daily inspecting contents and cautions are listed in Table 8-1. Table:8-1 The daily inspecting contents and cautions serial

Strona 112

Preface Danger! This system contains voltages that may be as high as 400 volts! Electric shock can cause serious or fatal injury. Only qualified per

Strona 113 - Br ak ing

Chapter 2 Installation and Wiring 20 Category TerminalName Functions Specifications Multi-function output terminal Y1 Bi-direction open

Strona 114

Chapter 8 Maintenance Component Check Corrective Action Cooling Fan For abnormal noise and vibration, Accumulation of dust and dirt Replace the cool

Strona 115 - Dec time

Chapter 8 Maintenance 201 Table 8-3 Description of Main Circuit Electro Measurement Item Input(Power supply) DC Intermediate Link Output(Motor) D0 te

Strona 116

Chapter 8 Maintenance 8.1.3 Replace device at regular intervals For security of the inverter operation, to ensure the long term and reliable operation

Strona 117

Chapter 9 Quality Guarantees Chapter 9 Quality Guarantees Quality guarantees is transacted as the following rules and regulations: The warranty range

Strona 118

Chapter 9 Quality Guarantees service. Though the product is designed and manufactured under a strict quality control, be sure to inquire us first i

Strona 119 - Treatment 2 RUN

Appendix 1 Exterior size and mounting size Appendix 1 Exterior size and mounting size (Unit: mm) H H1 W W1 D D1规格 D2D3 d S2R4GB/S2R75GB 150 138

Strona 120 - Operation Freq.(Hz)

Appendix 1 Exterior size and mounting size Inverter Model H H1 W W1 D D1 D2 d 35R5GB/37R5PB,37R5GB/3011PB 270 255 190 175 176 186 122 7 206

Strona 121

Appendix 1 Exterior size and mounting size 207 Inverter Model H H1 W W1 D D1 D2 dd 1 3011GB/3015PB,3015GB/3018PB 373 360 235 200 176 188 125 7

Strona 122 - bandwidth

Appendix 1 Exterior size and mounting size Please choose hanger itis necessary Inverter Model W D L a b c d 3160G/3185P,3185G/ 3200P, 3200G/322

Strona 123

Appendix 1 Exterior size and mounting size Inverter Model W D H a b c d 3400G,3500G 800 550 2000 700 300 125 18 209

Strona 124

Chapter 2 Installation and Wiring 21 Category TerminalName Functions Specifications Power supply 10V +10V pow

Strona 125

Appendix2 Technology Standards Appendix 2 Technology Standards Items Standards Rated input voltage,frequency Single-phase AC 200~240V 50/60Hz 3AC 3

Strona 126

Appendix2 Technology Standards Items Standards Model 3200P 3220P 3250P 3280P 3315P Motor Output(kW) 200 220 250 280 315 Rated output curre

Strona 127

Appendix2 Technology Standards 212 Items Standards Protective function Voltage overload , Under voltage , Current limiting, Over current, Thermal ove

Strona 128 - STOP command

Appendix3 Main Circuit Output Cable Selection (Recommended) Appendix 3 Main Circuit Output Cable Selection (Recommended) Voltage (V) Power grade(kW) T

Strona 129

Appendix3 Main Circuit Output Cable Selection (Recommended) 214 380 280kW 185*2 320 280 550 430 315kW 250*2 320 280 550 430 355kW 325*2

Strona 130

Appendix 4 MODBUS Communication Appendix 4 MODBUS Communication This series of inverter can perform serial transmission by using a programmable contro

Strona 131 - ON ON ON ON ON

Appendix 4 MODBUS Communication RS-485Switchs of terminal resistanceONOFFSW412 Note on Communication Wiring: (1) Communication wires must be separate

Strona 132

Appendix 4 MODBUS Communication MODBUS Communication Parameters Set To communication with PLC, the inverter must be programmed. Here are some communic

Strona 133

Appendix 4 MODBUS Communication Function code Parameter name Change MODBUS address Setting range DefaultP7.00 Feed select 0:PID feed 1:AI1 Terminal 2

Strona 134

Appendix 4 MODBUS Communication Function code Parameter name Change MODBUS address Setting range DefaultPb.06 Selection of MODBUS data storage 0: Not

Strona 135

Chapter 2 Installation and Wiring 22 Category TerminalName Functions Specifications Power supply PE Shielding ground It is used for groundi

Strona 136

Appendix 4 MODBUS Communication 220 *notes: In the way of choosing even parity checking, user can obtain the fastest communication response. The mini

Strona 137

Appendix 4 MODBUS Communication CRC check: CRC-16 is calculated as follows: 1. The initial value of general CRC-16 calculation result is "0"

Strona 138

Appendix 4 MODBUS Communication The contents of the specified number are read out in MODBUS address. The holding register contents are divided into th

Strona 139

Appendix 4 MODBUS Communication Example: Loopback test with slave 1. Slave Address01Function Code08TestNO.Upper 00Lower 00TestDataUpper 12Lower 34CRC

Strona 140

Appendix 4 MODBUS Communication Example: 30.00 Hz frequency reference is saved in EEPROM. Slave Address 01Function Code 10StartingNo.Upper 01Lower 00

Strona 141 - ~ P3.17 will be

Appendix 4 MODBUS Communication ●Data List: ●Command data (Only write-in is possible) Address Name Descriptions BIT 0000H (Reserved) 0001H Run Oper

Strona 142 - Preset Counting value

Appendix 4 MODBUS Communication *NOTE 1: Reserved BIT always writes “0”. *NOTE 2: If communication frequency reference is more than the maximum fr

Strona 143

Appendix 4 MODBUS Communication Address Name BIT Content 0 Over current (OC) 1 Over voltage while Accelerating (Ou1) 2 Inverter overload (OL2)

Strona 144

Appendix 4 MODBUS Communication Address Name BIT Content 0025H AI1 analog AI1 analog input(V) 0026H AI2 analog AI2 analog input(V) 0027H Output Ou

Strona 145

Appendix 4 MODBUS Communication Address Name BIT Content 002DH Multi-function output terminal monitor0 DO 1:“ON” 0:“OFF” 1 Y1(Only35R5GB/37R5PB

Strona 146

Chapter 2 Installation and Wiring SW2 SW3AO1 AO2IV0/2~+10VOr 0/4~20mAGNDAO1/AO2Shielded wirenear GroundingInverterPE Fig 2-14 S2R4GB~3004GB Anal

Strona 147 - T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7

Appendix 4 MODBUS Communication ●MODBUS registers address: Function parameter No. (DEC) MODBUS registers address No. (HEX) (ENTER to save data) (00FF

Strona 148 - ◆Continuous operation

Appendix 4 MODBUS Communication 231 ●Fault Response Error Codes with MODBUS Error Code Fault Content 01H Function error ·Unregistered function code

Strona 149 - Fig. 5-5-4 PLC start mode 1

Appendix 5 Keyboard Mounting Size (Unit: mm) Appendix 5 Keyboard Mounting Size (Unit: mm) Fig. A5-1 Keyboard Mounting Size of S2R4GB~3004GB 232

Strona 150

Appendix 5 Keyboard Mounting Size (Unit: mm) Fig. A5-2 Keyboard Mounting Size of 35R5GB/37R5PB~3500G233

Strona 151

Appendix 6 Inverter warranty Appendix 6 Inverter warranty User name: User address: Contact: Tel: Post code: Fax: Type: Num: Purchase date: Fault d

Strona 152

Appendix 6 Inverter warranty 235 Disclaimer: The following statement explains that Shenzhen ALPHA Inverter Co., Ltd. (including its employees, agents

Strona 153

Chapter 2 Installation and Wiring ●Wiring of Serial Communication Interface The inverter of this series provides standard RS485 serial communicati

Strona 154 - 5.8 PID Control (Group P7)

Chapter 2 Installation and Wiring 25 is used. Connect homonymy terminals of the master and slave if the master is PLC. When several inverters of S2R4G

Strona 155

Chapter 2 Installation and Wiring 26 Fig 2-19 Using Internal 24V Power Supply 2)If an external power supply is used, then use the Wiring shown i

Strona 156

Chapter 2 Installation and Wiring 27 Fig 2-21 Method 2 of connections (a) 2) Inverter’s internal +24 V power supply is used and the external control

Strona 157 - 1: Enable 0: Disable

Chapter 2 Installation and Wiring 28 3) Use external power supply by source connection method (Attention: be sure to disconnect the cable JP1 bet

Strona 158

Chapter 2 Installation and Wiring 29 ●Wire Multi-function Output Terminals 1) Multi-function output terminals D0 as switching output can use the int

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Contents Contents Preface ...

Strona 160

Chapter 2 Installation and Wiring 30 3) Multi-function output terminals / Pulse output terminal DO as pulse output can use the internal 24 V powe

Strona 161 - Load torque

Chapter 2 Installation and Wiring 5)Multi-function output terminals Y1 and Y2 can use the internal 24V power supply of inverter and the wiring method

Strona 162 - V/F curve

Chapter 2 Installation and Wiring 32 If the inverter drives an inductive load (such as relay or contactor), then a surge suppressing circuit shoul

Strona 163 - Inverter 1 Inverter 2

Chapter 2 Installation and Wiring The cables connecting keyboard and control board use standard super-five-class network cable. RJ-45 Interface uses t

Strona 164

Chapter 2 Installation and Wiring 2.6 Wiring of Inverter for Basic Operation Fig 2-32 S2R4GB~S22R2GB Wiring diagram 34

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Chapter 2 Installation and Wiring Fig 2-33 3R75GB~3004GB Wiring diagram 35

Strona 166

Chapter 2 Installation and Wiring Power Supply3-phase380V50/60HzMCDC reactor(connect optional parts externally)Braking Resistor(connect optional

Strona 167

Chapter 2 Installation and Wiring 37 Power Supply3-phase380V50/60HzMCDCL DC reactor(connect externally,optionalparts for 3132GB/3160PB or below)Brakin

Strona 168 - Fault Handling

Chapter 2 Installation and Wiring 38 2.7 Wiring Attention ● Be sure the input power supply of the inverter is cut off then you can remove or repla

Strona 169

Chapter 3 Operation Chapter 3 Operation DANGER 1, Only turn on the input power supply after replacing the front cover. Do not remove the cover while

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Contents 3.3.1 Operation mode of inverter ... 493.3.2 Before operation checkpoints

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Chapter 3 Operation 3.1.1 Overview of keyboard LED DisplayProgramming keyShift keyStatus indicatorRUN keyIncrement keyJog keyStop/Reset keyFrequency:

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Chapter 3 Operation Table 3-1 The LED monitoring objects Set value Monitoring object(Unit) Permission of Modify in running state PC.01=1 Output freque

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Chapter 3 Operation 42 Table 3-2 Description of keystroke function key Name of key Key functions PRGESC Programming key/Escape keyGo to programming

Strona 174 - 50% 100%

Chapter 3 Operation 43 key Name of key Key functions >> Shift key In programming state, press this key can change the blink number position. In moni

Strona 175 - Detect time

Chapter 3 Operation Table 3-3 Description of state indicators Indicator Display state Mean :Indicator the state of inverter RUN running state indi

Strona 176 - Acceleration

Chapter 3 Operation Running state: The inverter has received a running command and then comes into running state. So, the display states of keyboa

Strona 177 - Deceleration

Chapter 3 Operation 46 3-3-1 Display of power on.Output frequency is 0.00Hz3-3-2 Display of stop state.RUN is off,FWD blink slowly3-3-3 Display of ru

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Chapter 3 Operation display menu will be changed gradually. When in function parameter value menu, press the “ENTER” key ENTERcan save the value of t

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Chapter 3 Operation 0.0050.00 49.99 49.50outputfrequencyTurn left thedigitalencoder,thekeyboard willautomaticallycome intofrequency settingstate.Un

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Chapter 3 Operation ●The inverter parameters are protected. If function parameter value PF.01=1 or 2, the parameters are forbidden to be changed. This

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Contents 5 7.2.4 Leakage current protector ... 1977.2.5 Capacitor Box ...

Strona 182 - PF.04 G/P selection

Chapter 3 Operation value to 9), the inverter will chose PID closed loop operation mode. In other word, it will come into PID adjustment as the PID fe

Strona 183 - PF.04 to 1

Chapter 3 Operation Operation mode ofinverterJOG activePID termianl activeWobble frequencyrunning terminalactivePLC termianlactivePID runningWobble fr

Strona 184 - Chapter 6 Troubleshooting

Chapter 3 Operation 3.3.2 Before operation checkpoints To ensure safety, prior to initial operation, disconnect the machine coupling so that the mot

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Chapter 3 Operation wiring is right.wiring as therequirement statedin this manualPower ONsee output frequencymonitor:0.00HzPower on failedDisconnect t

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Chapter 3 Operation 54 3.4 Commissioning of keyboard Assume that the inverter need to run forward at 30.00 Hz at first, then run reverse at the same f

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Chapter 3 Operation 3.5 Operation of Control Circuit Terminal Assume that the inverter needs to run forward at 30.00 Hz at first, and then stop by t

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Chapter 4 Parameter Index Chapter 4 Parameter Index Attention: “○”means that the parameters can be changed during inverter running and stop state;

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Chapter 4 Parameter Index 57 Function code Function Name LCD Display Range of settingsDefaultChangeMODBUS Address P0.03 Frequency setting selection Fr

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Chapter 4 Parameter Index 58 Function code Function Name LCD Display Range of settingsDefaultChangeMODBUS Address P0.05 Keyboard direction setting Key

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Chapter 4 Parameter Index 59 Function code Function Name LCD Display Range of settingsDefaultChangeMODBUS Address P0.11 Step length of digital encoder

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Chapter 1 Purchase Inspection Chapter 1 Purchase Inspection1.1 Unpacking Inspection All inverters have passed the strict tests before delivery. Afte

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Chapter 4 Parameter Index 60 Function code Function Name LCD Display Range of settingsDefaultChangeMODBUS Address P0.18 V/F voltage value V3 V/F volta

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Chapter 4 Parameter Index P1: Start/Stop Control Function code Function Name LCD Display Range of settings DefaultChangeMODBUS Address P1.00 Starting

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Chapter 4 Parameter Index 62 Function code Function Name LCD Display Range of settings DefaultChangeMODBUS Address P1.06 Time of S-curve initial Time

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Chapter 4 Parameter Index 63 Function code Function Name LCD Display Range of settings DefaultChangeMODBUS Address P1.14 Brake voltage level setting (

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Chapter 4 Parameter Index 64 Function code Function Name LCD DisplayRange of settings DefaultChangeMODBUS Address P2.01 Acc time of Jog Acc time of Jo

Strona 198 - Chapter 8 Maintenance

Chapter 4 Parameter Index 65 Function code Function Name LCD DisplayRange of settings DefaultChangeMODBUS Address P2.09 Jump frequency 3 Jump frequenc

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Chapter 4 Parameter Index 66 Function code Function Name LCD DisplayRange of settings DefaultChangeMODBUS Address P2.26 Prohibit reverse operation Pro

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Chapter 4 Parameter Index P3:I/O Terminal control This page only for 3004GB and below Function code Function Name LCD Display Range of settings Defau

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Chapter 4 Parameter Index 68 This page only for 3004GB and below Function code Function Name LCD Display Range of settings DefaultChangeMODBUS Addres

Strona 202 - 8.2 Storage and Keeping

Chapter 4 Parameter Index 69 This page only for 3004GB and below Function code Function Name LCD Display Range of settings DefaultChangeMODBUS Addres

Strona 203 - Chapter 9 Quality Guarantees

Chapter 2 Installation and Wiring Chapter 2 Installation and Wiring2.1 Exterior Size and Mounting Size (See Appendix 1) 2.2 Mounting Place Requirement

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Chapter 4 Parameter Index 70 This page only for 3004GB and below Function code Function Name LCD Display Range of settings DefaultChangeMODBUS Addres

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Chapter 4 Parameter Index This page only for 35R5GB/37R5PB and over Function code Function Name LCD DisplayRange of settings DefaultChangeMODBUS Addr

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Chapter 4 Parameter Index 72 This page only for 35R5GB/37R5PB and over Function code Function Name LCD DisplayRange of settings DefaultChangeMODBUS A

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Chapter 4 Parameter Index 73 This page only for 35R5GB/37R5PB and over Function code Function Name LCD DisplayRange of settings DefaultChangeMODBUS A

Strona 208 - hanger it

Chapter 4 Parameter Index 74 This page only for 35R5GB/37R5PB and over Function code Function Name LCD DisplayRange of settings DefaultChangeMODBUS A

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Chapter 4 Parameter Index 75 Function code Function Name LCD DisplayRange of settings DefaultChangeMODBUS Address P3.13 Define Functions of terminal

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Chapter 4 Parameter Index 76 Function code Function Name LCD DisplayRange of settings DefaultChangeMODBUS Address P3.15 Terminal Y2 function definiti

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Chapter 4 Parameter Index 77 Function code Function Name LCD DisplayRange of settings DefaultChangeMODBUS Address P3.17 Fixed length reaches the term

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Chapter 4 Parameter Index 78 Function code Function Name LCD DisplayRange of settings DefaultChangeMODBUS Address P3.21 Frequency upper limit arrivin

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Chapter 4 Parameter Index P4: Analog and Pulse Function Function code Function Name LCD Display Range of settings DefaultChangeMODBUS Address P4.00 An

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Chapter 2 Installation and Wiring 2.2.2 The Ambient Temperature In order to enhance operating reliability of the inverter, be sure where the inverte

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Chapter 4 Parameter Index Function code Function Name LCD Display Range of settings DefaultChangeMODBUS Address P4.06 Min analog value Input 2 (AI2 Te

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Chapter 4 Parameter Index Function code Function Name LCD Display Range of settings DefaultChangeMODBUS Address P4.11 Min pulse value Input 3 (pulse i

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Chapter 4 Parameter Index Function code Function Name LCD Display Range of settings DefaultChangeMODBUS Address P4.16 PG Pulse Range PG Pulse Range 1~

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Chapter 4 Parameter Index Function code Function Name LCD Display Range of settings DefaultChangeMODBUS Address AO1 output range selection AO1 output

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Chapter 4 Parameter Index P5: PLC Operating Function code Function Name LCD Display Range of settings DefaultChangeMODBUS Address P5.00 PLC Operating

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Chapter 4 Parameter Index 85 Function code Function Name LCD Display Range of settings DefaultChangeMODBUS Address P5.05 Program Operating Timing T2 P

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Chapter 4 Parameter Index 86 Function code Function Name LCD Display Range of settings DefaultChangeMODBUS Address P5.16 Step T6 Program Operating Set

Strona 222 - Function Code

Chapter 4 Parameter Index 87 Function code Function Name LCD Display Range of settingsDefaultChangeMODBUS Address P6.03 Holding time before wobble fr

Strona 223 - Slave Address

Chapter 4 Parameter Index 88 Function code Function Name LCD Display Range of settingsDefaultChangeMODBUS Address P7.01 PID feedback selection PID fee

Strona 224

Chapter 4 Parameter Index 89 Function code Function Name LCD Display Range of settingsDefaultChangeMODBUS Address P7.11 Integration adjust selection I

Strona 225 - Data List:

Chapter 2 Installation and Wiring Fig 2-2 S2R4GB~S2R75GB Main Circuit Wiring Table2-1 S2R4GB~S2R75GB main circuit terminals function Terminal Symbo

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Chapter 4 Parameter Index P8: Fixed-length Function Function code Function Name Range of settingsLCD Display DefaultChangeMODBUS Address P8.00 Preset

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Chapter 4 Parameter Index P9: Advanced Control Function code Function Name Range of settings LCD Display Default Change MODBUS Address P9.00 Slip freq

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Chapter 4 Parameter Index 92 Function code Function Name LCD Display Range of settings Default Change MODBUS Address P9.08 Over modulation enable Over

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Chapter 4 Parameter Index 93 Function code Function Name LCD Display Range of settings Default ChangeMODBUS Address PA.05 Leakage inductance %X Leaka

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Chapter 4 Parameter Index 94 Function code Function Name LCD DisplayRange of settings DefaultChange MODBUS Address Pb.03 MODBUS time over detection MO

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Chapter 4 Parameter Index 95 Function code Function Name LCD Display Range of settingsDefault ChangeMODBUS Address PC.02 Output frequency (Hz) (Actual

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Chapter 4 Parameter Index 96 Function code Function Name LCD Display Range of settingsDefault ChangeMODBUS Address PC.16 Analog PID feed Analog PID fe

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Chapter 4 Parameter Index 97 Function code Function Name LCD Display Range of settingsDefault ChangeMODBUS Address PC.22 Linear speed display coeffici

Strona 234 - Appendix 6 Inverter warranty

Chapter 4 Parameter Index 98 Function code Function Name LCD Display Range of settings DefaultChangeMODBUS Address Pd.02 Pre-overload detection Level

Strona 235

Chapter 4 Parameter Index 99 Function code Function Name LCD Display Range of settings DefaultChangeMODBUS Address Pd.08 Input phase loss detection le

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