AL?IIINAlphat Wet Stone Gutterlnstruction ManualPart No: AWS-125 / AWS-225A Alpha Protessiotal Tools'250 Braen Avenue, Wyckoff, NJ 07481 .800-648
SWITCHING ON AND OFF:lntermittent useSwitching on: Press switch triggerSwitching off: Release switch triggerContinuous use:Switching on: Press the on/
ADJTISTING CUTTING DEPTH: ALoosen the wing bolt on the depthindicator and move the base floor up anddown to the desired cutting depth andtighten the w
USING THE RttLER,GUIDE (continued)Hi::l5'ff^,!;jrflsll,:_dg:,?s a ouj!9, instau the ruter guide upwardli,'_:r'::l: 19, jl : :r{ e1,g u
R ECO M M E N D E D A CCESS O R I ES :Alpha' PIusThe ultimate diamond blade for cutting granite, marble,natural and engineered stone, ceramic til
Alphaa PorcellanaThe ntpna@ Porcellana provides fast and consistentperformance with minimal chipping when cuttingporcelain tile or slab. Designed for
ALPHA@ WET STO'VE CUTTER SCHEMATIC:VN(K\_Ss-.-----:-** .fhr-u,,WW;5X/frd\_e=so(\(\u-|(\a\ttl=orn(\L/,=14
ALPHA' WET STONE CUTTER PARTS LISr;Drawing No:1306181330031330241330251330261330271330281330291330301300311330321330331330341330401 3304113304213
ALPHA WET STOATE CUTTER PARIS USf @ontinued)Drawing No:1 330941 330971 33098:r331071 331 081332291 332301332311332321 332331332421332471332541 332551
LOANER PROGRAM:Loaner tools can be issued to temporarily replace a tool that is beingreturned to Alpha@ for repair. lf more than one tool is being ret
State: Zip:Purchase Date:Note: Serial & Model Number must be included for proper registration.a Alpha ProtessiorF/l7ooIs" (800) 648-7229Mail
TABLE OF CONTENTS:Safety instructions... ...2lnstructions...Technical data... ...4Safety advice... ..
.. EC DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY:Name of Manufacturer: Alpha Professional Tools@Address of Manufacturer: 250 Braen AvenueWyckotf, NJ 07481USAHerewith d
SAFETV TNSTRUCTIONS: AFtead all these instructions before attempting to operate this product.$ave these instructions in a safe place for future refere
11. Secure workUse clamps or1 a vise to hold work. lt's safer than using your hand dnd' it allows both hands to operate tool.12. Don't
INSTRUCTIONS:Alpha Professional Tools@ provides the highest quality parts andmanufacturing techniques in the manufacture of this tool. In orderto obta
ooBe sure cutting disk fits tool properly and securely. Do notmodity the tool to force fit the blade. For exarnple do notremove blade guard.chcck cutt
INSTALLATION OF WATERATTACHMENT:l.Remove the wing bolt and washerfor adjusting the cutting depth. (SeeFigure-1)2.Raise cutting depth so there isroom b
WATER FLOW: AConnect only to an isolating transformerwhen using water flow.Connect the nylon hose onto thepenstock, then connect the adapter onthe nyl
STRAIGHT BLADE INSTALLATION/ ,r:tlEtlatdrasrabhtcutunsehdel / //I Flange ll | /lPadrb.rsre | /4ttrrtu6r.t8L"ft II PdrNo. r3so€s ICURVE CUTTING
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